About Ahilya Patil

About me

Hello, nice to meet you!

I’m Ahilya and I’m an Emotional Clarity Coach who helps women set boundaries. A big part of this is learning to say NO.

When people take you for granted, or are dismissive of your wants and needs, that often stems from a lack of respect or a lack of care we show for ourselves.

The way I help address this challenge is threefold:

  • Create Clarity
  • Build Boundaries
  • Accept Accountability
About Ahilya Patil Your Emotional Clarity Coach

Welcome to a world where boundaries aren't just words on paper – they're powerfully lived and firmly expressed. Meet Ahilya Patil, your trusted partner on the journey to emotional clarity and self-discovery.

Who is Ahilya Patil?

Ahilya Patil is not your typical emotional clarity coach. She's a certified ICF PCC Level coach with a legal background and a passion for helping women who've walked the tough path of naivety and being taken for granted. Ahilya's unique approach to life coaching is a breath of fresh air in a world where emotions often remain unspoken and unexplored.

Ahilya's Out-of-the-Box Approach Boundaries, Not Barriers Out-of-the-Box Solutions Self-Reflection for Empowerment

What sets Ahilya apart is her uncanny ability to help you establish boundaries that are not just words but actions. She knows that emotional clarity is about more than just identifying your feelings; it's about finding the courage to express them and the wisdom to live them.

Ahilya's coaching style is a blend of law and life, where she combines her legal expertise with her deep understanding of human emotions. She doesn't just help you identify your boundaries; she empowers you to vocalize and enforce them, creating a life where your emotions are your strengths, not your vulnerabilities.

Boundaries, Not Barriers: Ahilya believes that boundaries are essential for a healthy life. She doesn't just preach about setting boundaries; she helps you create and verbalize them, making sure they are firmly implemented in your life. With her guidance, you will learn to protect your emotional well-being without closing yourself off from the world.

Out-of-the-Box Solutions: Ahilya's legal background has trained her to think critically and find creative solutions to complex problems. She applies this skill to help you find unique and practical solutions to your emotional challenges.

Self-Reflection for Empowerment: Ahilya encourages self-reflection as a tool for growth and empowerment. She guides you on a journey to explore your emotions, understand your vulnerabilities, and use them as sources of strength.

Certifications that Make a Difference

Ahilya is not content with the ordinary. She has pursued certifications that reflect her commitment to providing the best guidance:

Behavioral Intelligence

Understanding the intricate ways in which behavior impacts our lives.

Spiritual Intelligence

Exploring the deeper aspects of the self and finding meaning and purpose.

Emotional Intelligence

Mastering emotions and using them as a tool for personal growth.

Neuroscience Coaching

Leveraging the power of brain science to transform your life.

Positive Psychology

Focusing on strengths and happiness to create lasting change.

Your Journey Starts Here

Ahilya Patil invites you to embark on a transformative journey towards emotional clarity and self-discovery. It's time to stop being taken for granted and start living a life where your boundaries are not just set but respected. Explore her coaching services, book a session, and let Ahilya guide you towards a life where emotional clarity is your superpower.